At Lustrous, we specialize in providing high-quality electroplating solutions, catering to industries that demand durability, performance, and precision. With over two decades of expertise, we take pride in offering exceptional plating services in tin, copper, and silver, tailored to meet your specific needs


Engineered Electroplating Services

Engineered Electroplating Services Lustrous has engineered the chemistry and production processes to be flexible to our customer’s needs. We recognize that not all parts or components need the standard specifications for finishing. Therefore, our staff of professionals is equipped with the tools to provide the metal finish combinations that will meet your varying needs



Selective Plating

Lustrous has seen a demand for increasingly fine and precise selective electroplating. Historically, selective plating has been the exclusive province of continuous reel-to-reel plating operations where various mechanical modifications are made to the machine apparatus. These devices typically involve rubber band-like masking that sandwiches the parts in the area where plating is not desired. Lustrous has developed tools and methods for accomplishing selective plating on a variety of parts ranging in many shapes and sizes. There are a variety of materials and fabricating techniques employed that Lustrous has developed through trial and error to arrive at a robust, fast, and flexible system. The basic design elements and materials can be adapted to the particulars of the customer part design. Medical devices are becoming ever smaller and more complex in their shapes and functions

Metal finishes at Lustrous





Palladium Nickel Medical Gold


Medical Silver



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Explore Electroplating: Our Experiences and the Latest Industry News!

dustra 19Nov

What is Precious Metal Plating?

Precious metal plating involves depositing a thin layer of high-value metals onto a base material, typically

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What is Plating?

Plating is the process of coating an object with a metal layer to improve its properties,

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dustra 24Feb

Advantages of Tin Electroplating

Tin electroplating is a widely used process in various industries due to its excellent corrosion resistance,

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