Tin Plating

Tin is a soft, ductile, silvery-white metal that is not easily oxidized in air. It has good conductivity and corrosion resistance while enhancing solderability of substrates that are not otherwise easily soldered to.
Why is tin such a popular choice for electroplating? Perhaps the biggest reason is that tin plating — or “tinning” — is an extremely cost-effective process. Because tin is so readily available, it is much less expensive than pricier metals such as gold, platinum or palladium. Tin also offers

Industries That Make Use of Tin Plating

The benefits listed above make tin the metal of choice for plating applications in a wide range of industries including:

• Aerospace

• Food Service

• Electronics

• Telecommunications

• Jewelry Manufacturing

Tin Plating Benefits

Tin electrodeposits can produce a whitish-grey color that is preferable when a dull or matte appearance is desired. It can also produce a shiny, metallic look when a bit more luster is preferred. Tin offers a decent level of conductivity, making tin plating useful in the manufacturing of various electronic components. Tin is also FDA approved for use in the foodservice industry. Other electroplating tin benefits include:

• Good contact resistance

• Excellent solderability

• Cost-effective

• Non-toxic

• Highly effective for shielding



Finishing Types


Metals Plated


Maximum Length

12 ft

QC Process & Certification

Plating to Customer, Military, and ASTM Specifications
ISO compliant
Waste treatment standards that exceed EPA requirements


On-site laboratory
Local pick up and delivery service
Convenient location (centrally located and easily accessible for air, truck, and rail transportation)


Effective customer service
Quality finishes
Expeditious lead times
Prompt response to quote requests
Competitive pricing
Thoroughly trained staff and technical support